A list of links that assisted me with research and helped connect me to activists and activist organizations in Halifax:
A democratic anti-capitalist organization based in Halifax, Solidarity Halifax provides dialogue, discussion, education and articles. Their activism is focused on raising awareness of policy alternatives to capitalism.
An online community campaign that focuses on working towards a freer, more democratic Canada. LeadNow.ca launched the “13 heroes” campaign that resulted in a number of protests to the Omnibus Budget Bill unfolding across the country.
A website run by student groups for the purpose of showing solidarity with the Quebec student strike. RedSqaureNS examines issues that relate Nova Scotian students to the protests in Quebec and keep local students and activists up to date on solidarity events.
The official website of the Nova Scotia Chapter of the Occupy Movement. This site keeps Nova Scotians up to date on the future activities of the former occupiers.
A local independent news sources that focuses on grassroots stories. Provides a good amount of coverage of activism in Halifax.